Saturday 25 December 2010


Salam wbt.
Me currently in Puchong.. Tomorrow morning, i will start an early journey going back to the matriculation as I become one of the judges in the Dikir Barat Competition. After that, I will have my gathering at seremban..

Soon after that, in the nite, I am the judges of clean and beauty competition in the block..

So i am expecting of a very busy day for tomorrow.

On Tuesday, I will have my lecture on chapter 22: Magnetic field. I need to do some revision today as I know tomorrow, I will not have enough time to study.

Apocalypse- this word means 'Kiamat'.
Muslim nowdays took islam as one of the culture that they free to take and let go.. Pray is something that we take for granted. People are not scared of the final judgment and doesnt feel that if they do not perform they prayer they will be punished.

Haiseeeeeee, (sigh...)..

I am scared when i think about future, thinking about my family, thinking of one day i will be asked in front of my lord what i have done when He borrowed me this life..

Words is not enough, as action speak louder than word..Please Ya Allah help us, help us to follow the way that you please too..

42: 20' Barang siapa menghendaki keuntungan di akhirat akan kami tambahkan keuntungannya, dan barang siapa menghendaki keuntungan di dunia kami berikan kepadanya sebahagian keuntungan dunia, tetapi dia tidak akan mendapat bahagian di akhirat'

To Allah we come and to Allah we shall return..

Friday 24 December 2010

non - productive nite

this nite..doing something beneficialness...............

At the same time, i really miss to go back home.. to see my parents..

To err is human..idiom that i learned for today and also the word vivid..

Still need effort and prayer to help me teach my student's better..poor them..

I am a fierce teacher..

Till then, hopefully tomorrow will become much better compare to today..insyaAllah..
May the One alwaz guide us in every single thing that we do.. aminnn

Sunday 19 December 2010



HAri semalam dan hari ini kaki ini melangkah pergi ke tempat2 yang dinaungi tempat di mana hati3 berkumpul
demi untuk cinta dan redhaNya..

Alhamdulillah2x..masih ada sekelumit rs dalam diri untuk menjejaki dan mengikuti kembali
apa yang aku sekian lama tinggalkan..

Demi akhirat yang masih lagi jauh dari diri ku..

Sesungguhnya ujian itu pasti melanda sehingga kita benar2 layak menjadi hamba yang Allah redhai..

Semakin lama aku di jalan ini, semakin kuat ku kenali diri ku..semakin ku tahu
apa kelemahan yg menghimpit hidupku.. betapa ia susah utk dikikis dan menjadi
penghalang kepada segala kemajuan..

Duhai hati, jauhi sifat mu dari berasa ego, dari mudah terasa hati, dari tidak mahu berganjak dan bermalasan serta beralasan..
Hati punca segalanya.
Hati jua penentu tindak tanduk kite..

Apa yang kite lakukan datangnya dari hati dan perasaan.....

Entry need to be stop here as athan is approaching..
A big condolence to family arwah Mas Afzal.. May Allah grant Him Jannah, insyaAllah :)..

Saturday 11 December 2010

kejayaan itu manis :)

Salam wbt..
Alhamdulillah3x..Thank to Allah as I still can breath and have a comfortable life..
Alhamdulillah as well cause we win in the 'Amazing Race Challenge' conducted by English unit in KMNS..Heheh.. Alhamdulillah2x..

The feeling is really sweet even though we are in the third place (There were 10 groups altogether, but the top 3 will get the price)..

After praying the isya' i asked myself, wouldn't it be much sweeter2222x if we succeed in hereafter...How does it feel.. To compare with us who got the third place in just a very rural matriculation and just a small competition between the small group, we found that the feeling of a winning something is really2x sweet..Uhuuu.. In other words, we may never get any price for any outdoors activity before this..(I admit that, I dont know my other two members)..

Anyhow, i do hope i will success both.. in this world and hereafter:)..InsyaAllah

47:7' O you who believe! If you help Allah, He will help you and make your foothold firm'

76:12-22 'Therefore Allah has warded off from them the evil of that day, and has made them find brightness and joy :)'...

:)..May Allah bless all of us and guide us in everything single thing that we do till the day we meet Allah.InsyaAllah...

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Can I be a good teacher ??

Salam wbt..

Currently feeling moody and i asked my asked whether i can be a good teacher or not....
Feeling unsatisfied with what I am doing now as i could not help them much.. haishhhhhhhhhh