Tuesday 2 June 2009



Cuti di sini sedang rancak berlangsung. Bagi diri ku sempat jua ku penuhi tuntutan cuti tersebut namun Subhanallah tahun ini nampak gayanya cuti awal ku dipenuhi dengan pelbagai aktivi..Bermula dengan BBQ, menghantar R dan bermalam di MSD, ke London lagi for the next week and this time kami pergi ke London 3 hari berturut2.. Can you imagine that??

But i think that is the best thing ever. Allah alwaz planned what is good for us. Although i am a bit tired (my leg still feel the pain from the walked) but i can say that it was a great experience that i can't find elsewhere.

I think it is like a preparation for me to face a real really busy world( i think) when i go back to Mesia. This year, the summer holiday will be a much busy day compare to last year. May Allah make it easy for me and i can perform the responsibility given to me as best as i could.

Mari amal kan amalan bersalam salaman, ngan mahram sahaja yea

Liverpool street di pagi Ahad yg sentiasa penuh bukan shj dengan customer namun penjualnya pun byk sgt..

Tentera yg sedang berbaris sebelum bergerak ke Buckingham palace

Protes depan London Eye.. Aku sendiri x brape pasti kerna apa.. Kt sini memang fully demokratik.Mereka boleh protes apa sahaja asalkan secara aman walaupun protes nih menghalang pergerakan trafik.. Tgh2 simpang tiga nih..

Sunset view..Mashaallah so nice :)


syazlina abdul rasid said...

liverpool street mmg ari ahad je eh??? cm best je..murah x?

Sekalung hijab said...

best syaz!!!murah dan banyak barang!