Sunday 21 February 2010



Alhamdulillah saya ada adik2 baru..
Adik2 yang saya sangat2 sayang..
Xtahu macam mana nak cakap..
Nak jumpa diaorg selalu..
Kalau diaorang sedey,
saya pun sedey,
Kalau diaorg gembira, saya lagi suka.

Namun saya x suka mereka gelak2 lebih
Dont laugh to much ok.. Cause laughing can make ur heart died (So ne??)
I want them to grow in someone that knows the purpose of this world.
Know how to lead themselves in this world and achieve happiness in this world and hereafter.

Till then,
Love all of you:
Ijet, ipi, uni, tazi, tiah, iffah.. hehhe
Jumpa nt yea..


Unknown said...

jealous nye nik ade adik baru.
even kte same age but nk jd ADIK u forever gak. hehe

Sekalung hijab said...

heheh..farahah skang kite kan dah jadik kawan..kawan lg la rapat..cume skang nih jrg sgt lepak ngan org2 surrey..ingt lg kite time usrah ngan korunk2 dulu..bestkan..ila, ina, farahah masak.. hahah..pahtu kite dtg makan..heheh =)